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40-322 Katowice
(+48) 796 369 439
Welding works
During the production of details, metals are subjected to multi-stage processing. However, forming the shape and determining the size is not everything. The individual elements must be connected to each other. There are many techniques for this, but welding is certainly the most popular of them.
We carry out welding works using various methods. The technology is selected to individual needs and expected effects.
Welding works - what is it?
Welding is a technological process that uses high temperature to heat metal elements and melt them. A weld is formed at the contact point of the joined details. Depending on the welding method, additional binders (electrodes, rods, welding wire) can be used. The binder melts and inseparably combines with the native material, and after solidification forms a joint.
Welding works require an appropriate process of the joined elements. Before developing the structure, a V-groove should be developed, the use edges of which will later be melted and form a welding lake.
However, this is not enough to obtain a permanent joint. For this to happen, it must be properly protected against oxidation. For example, shielding gases or slag cover is used for this purpose. The shielding gas is fed into the weld pool through the welding torch.
Types of welding
Continuous and uninterrupted technological progress means that new types of welding appear. Since the invention of this metal joining technique, many solutions have been developed to improve the work carried out, and most importantly - to increase the quality and durability of the weld. The differences between the methods result primarily from the way the detail is processed and the energy source used.
We distinguish the following welding methods:
Electric – thermal energy is obtained from the electric arc formed between the electrode and the joined material. This technique can be used with different part thicknesses.
Gazowe – ciepło używane do tworzenia spoiny, generowane jest przez płomień spalającego się gazu (np. acetylenu). Dzięki tej metodzie można połączyć stal i metale nieżelazne.
Thermite - a method that uses chemical compounds (thermite is a mixture of aluminum and iron oxide). A method commonly used to join e.g. railway rails and cast iron components.
Laser - the latest technological achievement - the laser welder uses a coherent beam of high power light. In this way, components can be welded in any welding position.
Welding works - application
Welding is a very versatile method of joining materials. Most commonly used on: mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Welding works should be entrusted to professionals. We have a lot of experience and we have modern equipment. We will do the job better than others.